Lunch seminar with Marthe Engedahl

An analysis of case law from international courts related to the applicability of Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols


In this lunch seminar, Marthe Engedahl will present her analysis of case law from international courts relevant to answering the question of whether Common Article 1 (CA1) applies to the specific act of providing military assistance from one State to another during armed conflict. The analysis is based on case law from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

Speaker bio

Marthe Engedahl is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen. In her PhD project, she examines the international legal obligations of a State that provides military assistance to a State party to an ongoing, armed conflict – so-called Third State obligations. More specifically, she analyses whether Common Article 1 (CA1) of the Geneva Conventions (GC) and Additional Protocols (AP) I and III places an obligation on an assisting State ‘to ensure respect’ for the GCs and APs by the assisted State, and if it does, what the scope and content of this obligation is. As such, the overall research question of her PhD raises questions related both to the applicability and application of CA1 in the specific context of state military assistance during armed conflict, and places itself within legal doctrinal research.


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