31 August 2022

New book on AI in eHealth: Human Autonomy, Data Governance and Privacy in Healthcare

New book on "AI in eHealth: Human Autonomy, Data Governance and Privacy in Healthcare"  from CeBIL members, is available online: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Marcelo-Corrales-Compagnucci/dp/110883096X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1IKCISGKXBCJT&keywords=AI+in+eHealth&qid=1661866081&sprefix=ai+in+ehealth%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1

The content of the book can be summarized as follows:

- The emergence of digital platforms and the new application economy are transforming healthcare and creating new opportunities and risks for all stakeholders in the medical ecosystem.
- Many of these developments rely heavily on data and AI algorithms to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor diseases and other health conditions.
- A broad range of medical, ethical and legal knowledge is now required to navigate this highly complex and fast-changing space.
- This collection brings together scholars from medicine and law, but also ethics, management, philosophy, and computer science, to examine current and future technological, policy and regulatory issues.
- In particular, the book addresses the challenge of integrating data protection and privacy concerns into the design of emerging healthcare products and services.
- With a number of comparative case studies, the book offers a high-level, global, and interdisciplinary perspective on the normative and policy dilemmas raised by the proliferation of information technologies in a healthcare context.
