Seminar with Svitlana Lebedenko

Legal institutions for pharmaceutical innovation: the case study in Russia (1917-2020)

AbstractPhoto of S. Lebedenko

The workshop is based on a chapter of a book manuscript tentatively entitled “Russian Innovation and Intellectual Property: What Went Wrong”. Relying on archival materials and semi-structured interviews, the book examines Soviet and Russian 100-year history of institutional experiments with legal forms, incentives, and organizational arrangements in search of an optimal system of knowledge production and diffusion. The chapter advances an argument that the Soviet legal institutions ensured that the pharmaceutical industry remained part of the healthcare system and not part of trade and examines the effects of transplanted rules of intellectual property on pharmaceutical innovation in modern Russia.


Please register no later than the 4 December 2023 at 10:00 using this registration form


Svitlana Lebedenko is a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow at New York University School of Law affiliated with the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy. Her research focuses on regulation of technology markets, intellectual property law, and innovation systems. Before joining NYU, she has been a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. She holds a PhD in Law from the European University Institute, where she was awarded the EUI Special Doctoral Fellowship in Law (Hans Kelsen Grant). In spring 2023, she was a visitor at the Center for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law of University of Copenhagen.