About CeBIL

CeBIL is the Centre for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law based at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The overall aim and ambition of CeBIL is to provide solid, research-based support that facilitates the translation of world-class health and life science research into viable and sustainable products, effective therapies, and high-quality patient care. Health and life science innovations must readily and safely reach consumers, patients, and markets while simultaneously being developed in responsible, effective, sustainable, and globally competitive ways.

The Centre for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law (CeBIL) explores the legal challenges and rapid developments in the health and life science area. The center brings together scholars from the world's leading research institutions in interdisciplinary collaboration, engaging stakeholders from industry, government, and civil society.

CeBIL’s scientifically independent research is supported by several public and private funds, including EU Horizon funds, Danish Research Foundation funds, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canadian Government funds as well as two generous 35 million DKK and 50 million DKK grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation awarded in 2018 and 2023.

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CeBIL is headed by Professor Timo Minssen, who says:

CeBIL is motivated by a genuine wish to support and contribute to strengthening Denmark’s and Europe’s innovation and competitiveness within the health and life science area, to create new jobs, and – very importantly - to meet the needs, values and expectations of citizens, consumers and patients from a “one health” perspective. Moreover, CeBIL provides a forum for crucial global debates concerning both innovation ecosystems and planetary ecosystems.