Research methodology

The data collection for the BASE questionnaire survey took place at a number of language centres located in each of Denmark’s 5 regions: Region Nordjylland, Region Midtjylland, Region Syd, Region Sjælland and Region Hovedstaden. In total, more than 1.700 language school participants answered the questions. Language school participants at DU1, DU2 and DU3 are invited to take part. The survey was only conducted at module 5 and 6 on DU1 and module 3, 4, 5 and 6 on DU2 and DU3 in order to ensure that all participants had stayed in Denmark long enough to be able to answer the questions regarding their experiences, and to ensure that the participants understood Danish sufficiently well.

The participants were asked about their experiences with accessing employment, health care and housing, and to what extent they had received assistance from private actors, e.g. companies and NGOs. The participants were also asked to answer questions regarding their background, such as gender, age and country of origin – factors that statistically are likely to influence on one’s responses. The questionnaires could be answered in either a digital or paper version, and in Danish, English or one of the five most common languages at DU1: Arabic, Farsi, Tigrinya, Thai or Turkish.

You can read more about the selection of language centres on the page For the language centres.