Contracting for Carbon Free Shipping – Book launch and mini conference

New regulatory measures on carbon reduction both internationally and in the EU require action by industry to cut emissions. Contracting is a central tool for achieving this goal.
In celebration of our new book: Carbon Free Shipping and shipping carbon – contracts in context, edited by Stephen Girvin and Vibe Ulfbeck ( we invite you to join us for a mini-conference at KU, Faculty of Law on November 18th at 9-13. The mini conference will feature presentations of some of the contributions in the book and presentations by practitioners on the practical handling of the new regulatory requirements.
08.30-09.00 | Arrive, coffee, croissants |
09.00-09.15 | Prof. Vibe Ulfbeck/Prof. Stephen Girvin: Welcome and about the book |
09.15-09.45 |
Prof. Stephen Girvin, National University Singapore: CII and EXII in charter parties |
09.45-10.15 |
Jens Erik Kundby Nielsen/Glenn v. Bennigsen, senior advisor, Ultrabulk: Practical experiences with the CII and ETS from a shipowners’ perspective |
10.15-11.00 | Discussion and coffee |
11.00-11.30 | Prof. Vibe Ulfbeck, KU, CEPRI/SHOC: Bill of lading and supply chain implications |
11.30-12.00 | NN Maersk McKinney Møller center for Carbon Zero shipping (TBC): Book and Claim |
12.00–12.30 | Thomas Edelgaard Christensen, Attorney, Gorrissen Federspiel: Introducing the FuelEU – what to expect |
12.00-13.00 | Discussion |
13:00 | Sandwiches and network |
Participation certificate
Participation certificate can be obtained but must be stated in your registration – the certificate will only be handed out on the day of the conference.
Registration is required. Please register here no later than 13 November 2024.