CEPRI / CECS Mini-Conference on climate litigation developments under Danish law

Please join the CEPRI Mini-Conference on climate litigation developments under Danish law. Climate change today requires action at all levels, and initiatives are increasingly taken at international, regional, national and company levels, as reflected in the recent proposal for a new Green Claims Directive (COM(2023) 166 final). As a relatively new tool to enforce more ambitious targets and plans, litigation on these issues is now also taking place in courts. Whereas climate litigation was initially directed against states, private companies are increasingly being sued over their climate policies and market behaviour. The mini-conference focuses on questions arising under substantive and procedural law in a Danish legal context while drawing on experiences from other jurisdictions.
The event is held in Danish.
Klimaet i proces og proces om klima – nye udfordringer for domstolene? (pdf)
Monday 15 May 2023 at 15.00 - 18.00
Faculty of Law, Søndre Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69, stuen , Njalsgade 76, 2300 Copenhagen S
All are welcome, but registration is required via this registration form by Friday, May 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
The event is free. A certificate of participation is issued.