Legal TeXpo 2023 - Mindset V. Technology: Renaissance in Danish Legal Industry

Legal TeXPo 2

Join our transformative workshop to delve into the powerful synergy of technology and an innovative mindset in reshaping the Danish legal industry. Engage in insightful panel discussions, thought-provoking presentations, and interactive sessions that navigate the evolving landscape, showcasing the pivotal role of mindset and technology in shaping its future. Discover the most recent developments in legal tech across the globe and the AI methods to enhance legal practices. Join us to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-changing legal landscape.


Welcome and Opening 

Alexandra Andhov, Associate Professor and Founder of Copenhagen Legal/Tech Lab

Mindset v. Technology 

Maya Markovich, Legal Innovation Expert

AI’s promises vs. deliverables

Gianluca Mauro, AI Academy

Technology changing the way we work

Peter Riise, Karnov Group

Discussion with leading minds on what can FinTech and LegalTech learn from each other and how to move on

    • Moderator Alexandra Andhov
      • Maya Markovich, Legal Innovation Expert
      • Gianluca Mauro, AI Academy
      • Thomas Krogh Jensen (Copenhagen Fintech)
      • Peter Riise (Karnov)
    • Tue Goldschmieding (Gorrissen)

Reception & Networking