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Legal TeXpo

Copenhagen Legal Tech Lab and Karnov organise the first Legal TeXpo showcasing new and innovative legal tech from the Nordics and outside.
During the event the different Legal Tech start-ups will present their platforms, demonstrating how their products work and can benefit lawyers. Networking will follow.
Registration for the event is required.
15.15-15.30 Registration and coffee
15.30 Welcome and presentation of program
15.35 The state of Legal Tech
15.50 Juristic
16.00 Ante
16.10 iPractitioner
16.20 Break (15 min)
16.35 Caralegal – German data protection legal tech
16.45 Karnov Link
16.55 Proceedy
17.05 Break
17.20 Panel talk
17.50 Tapas, wine and networking
19.00 Thank you and goodbye