Law, Innovation & Vulnerability

Copenhagen Legal Tech Lab invites you to the Law, Innovation & Vulnerability Conference!
We bring together regulators, innovators, leading academics, partners in law firms, and other extraordinary minds from all over the world to Copenhagen to address the most recent legal research and industry developments.
This year, our central theme is vulnerability. We will zoom in on vulnerability from three angles:
- Vulnerability and People
- Vulnerability and Technology
- Vulnerability and Business.
The Conference combines discussion format panels, knowledge sharing keynotes, and workshops, all in one day. Participants will receive attendance certificates.
1.1 Embracing Vulnerability in Legal Industry (10.15 - 11.15)
The legal professionals' world has changed substantially over the past two years. The Covid-19 pandemic and need for a complete change of working set-up have brought myriad challenges for the entire industry, leaving many vulnerable. The employees' requirements have substantially changed, and many seek a more approachable and safe working space, which have not been the defining features of the legal industry and law firms before. This panel will address the need for embracing vulnerability in our working environment. We will hear from a mental health professional, lawyer and researcher how to best create a supportive environment for everyone to attract and retain talent.
- Andreas Nielsen, Bruun&Hjejle
- Annika Petersen, KU
- Malene Fagerberg, Deloitte
- Helen Yu, KU - Moderator
1.2 Building Diversity and Fighting Discrimination (11.30 - 12.30)
Diversity is a building block of the quality of the working environment and the work itself. The more diverse the teams, the better they perform. Yet, diversity continues to represent a challenge in the legal sector in the Nordics and worldwide. This panel will discuss the current trends and approaches towards building diverse teams in various countries. We will hear from the specialists from Nordics and Brazil, how to create, manage and promote workplace diversity.
- Marlene Plas, DLA Piper
- Thea Messel, Unconventional Ventures
- Thiago Amparo, FGV Brazil
- Jacob Livingstone Slosser, KU - Moderator
1.3 Embracing Innovation in Legal Industry (13.30 - 14.30)
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the legal professionals had to change their practices from one day to another. A conservative profession needed to embrace innovation and technology at a speed never seen before. This was not a matter of competitive advantage but mere survival. In this panel, we will hear from leading innovation officers and legal minds how to further embrace innovation and continue bringing the legal industry closer to the customers.
- Andrea Lindblom, Digitizing Institutions
- Isabel Parker, Digital Legal Exchange
- Ulf Linden, Legal Works Nordic
- Paw Fruerlund, Kammeeradvokaten - Moderator
2.1 Cybersecurity: Deny, Deny, Deny (10.15 - 11.15)
Cybersecurity should be everyone's concern. Unfortunately, we all face the attacks, no matter where we are. In virtually every industry on earth, organisations of all sizes are being hit by cyberattacks. From shipping giant Maersk to the ride-sharing giant Uber, all the way to Equifax, a credit rating agency regarded as one of the largest holders of private customer data in the world. We are all vulnerable. Yet, our approach towards cyber-attacks is to keep them under the radar and possibly deny, deny, and deny. This panel will discuss their experience and strategies to address cyberattacks and prevent possible harm to our data.
- Sorcha MacLeod, KU
- James Varnham, Logical Operations
- Luigi Bruno, IKEA
- Alexandra Andhov, KU - Moderator
2.2 Trustworthy AI: Self-assessment as a Tool (11.30 - 12.30)
Artificial intelligence can revolutionise our world, but it also entails many challenges, including societies' fear of it. One of the most significant vulnerabilities of AI is that people may lose trust in it and refuse to adopt or even challenge its application. This panel addresses how businesses, policymakers, and academics have been approaching the issues of having a technology that generates trust rather than rejection.
- David Restrepo Amariles, HEC
- Jeannet Fleron, Dansk Standard
- Serkawt Khola, EvoPlexus Medics
- Rasmus Hauch,
- Léonard Van Rompaey, CO:PLAY & KU - Moderator
2.3 NFTs in Art (13.30 - 14.30)
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are noninterchangeable digital assets stored on a blockchain. They are usually photos, images, music, or audio. NFTs seem to be everywhere right now. They represent the new "it". However, what is their added value, and what do they bring to the art world? This panel will discuss the reasons for the recent proliferation of NFTs into art and their significance for the future of art.
- Alberto Oddenino, UNITO
- Annapaola Negri-Clementi, Lawyer
- Christian Andersen,
- Berdien van der Donk, KU - Moderator
2.4 How to approach CBDC? (15.00 - 16.00)
'Future of Money' economist says the end of cash is coming. Yet, the jury is still out as to its successor. China, Japan, Sweden, and Nigeria have commenced CBDC trials, while the Bank of England and the European Central Bank are preparing their own trials. The Bahamas rolled out the world's first CBDC, the sand dollar. Denmark remains very hesitant. This panel will discuss the opportunities and risks CBDCs represent while addressing legal and economic concerns.
- Anne Catherine Bohnert, BDF
- Beju Shah, BIS
- Elsa Themner, Sveriges Riksbank
- Saule Omarova, Cornell Law
- Stéphane Blemus, KU - Moderator
3.1 Regulating or Not Regulating Blockchain: Uncertainties for Business (11.30 - 12.30)
Blockchain has proved itself as an innovative technology that can change many industries. Yet, due to the continuous lack of a straightforward regulatory and enforcement approach, its further development and growth keep this technology at bay. The lack of legal certainty frightens many projects to materialise fully. This panel will discuss how the regulation could help blockchain technology and the entire industry flourish. We will discuss various regulatory approaches to protect the market, vulnerable participants and support further innovation.
- Danny Dehgani, FSA
- Michele Neitz, GGU
- Omri Ross, DIKU & eTORO
- Alexandra Andhov, KU - Moderator
3.2 VCs, Investments and Vulnerability (13.30 - 14.30)
Beyond financial and business opportunities, investors are starting to consider how sustainable, ethical, and conscious of human rights their investment targets are. In this panel, we discuss how various persons in that network are tackling the issue of showcasing vulnerabilities and identifying vulnerabilities in the course of transactions.
- Charlotte Jacobsen, Hybsch Connect
- Mattias Nielsen, Moalem Weitemeyer
- Peter Egehoved, SEED Capital
- Robert Jønsson, Dahl - Moderator
3.3 Legal Tech Challenges (15.00 - 16.00)
Investments in innovation, including Legal Tech and RegTech companies, sky-rocketed over the past few years. In 2021, Legal Tech companies saw more than $1.2 billion in venture capital investments. And this might be only the beginning. We have invited rising stars in legal tech to share with us their experiences and challenges to support their growth. We will discuss the possibilities of legal tech, the existing vulnerabilities and how to continue to improve the quality of legal services.
- Jarek Owczarek, Contractbook
- Josephine Hanschke, Bryter
- Victoria Kopylov, Pocket-Law
- Alexandra Andhov, KU - Moderator
After the conference, we have an optional social dinner for speakers and participants.

- For administrative inquiries, please get in touch with Michelle Goncalves Kjærulff
- For all other inquiries, contact Associate Professor Alexandra Andhov