The Patent-Eligibility of Dosage Regimes and Diagnostic Methods in the U.S. & Europe

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Timo Minssen - Speaker

One of the most controversial topics in pharmaceutical and biomedical patent law relates to the question of whether patent protection should be available for dosage regimes and specific diagnostic methods. Recent high profile decisions from the U.S. and Europe have provided some guidance on this issue but many problems still remain. In the U.S. this has recently resulted in a grant of certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court in Mayo v. Prometheus, which was followed by the seminal Federal Circuit decisions in AMP v. USPTO (Myriad) and Classen v. Biogen. Ass. Prof. Timo Minssen will present the most recent European and U.S. case-law developments addressing this crucial issue and discuss their ramifications for theory and practice

Title of my presentation: "The Patent-Eligibility of Dosage Regimes and Diagnostic Methods in the U.S. & Europe". I was responsible for organizing the acdemic content of the conference and will introduce the speakers. Abstract of the speech One of the most controversial topics in pharmaceutical and biomedical patent law relates to the question of whether patent protection should be available for dosage regimes and specific diagnostic methods. Recent high profile decisions from the U.S. and Europe have provided some guidance on this issue but many problems still remain. In the U.S. this has recently resulted in a grant of certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court in Mayo v. Prometheus, which was followed by the seminal Federal Circuit decisions in AMP v. USPTO (Myriad) and Classen v. Biogen. Ass. Prof. Timo Minssen will present the most recent European and U.S. case-law developments addressing this crucial issue and discuss their ramifications for theory and practice
13 Sep 2011

Event (Conference)

TitleRecent developments in U.S. and European Patent Law & Policy
Date13/09/2011 → …

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