Travel by car

HighwayFind your way in Copenhagen by car by using the Google Maps route planner. Simply enter your point of departure to receive a detailed location plan. If you do not want to get to the main building, please change the destination.

There are various parking facilities surrounding the University:

  • Area A by Islands Brygge Metro Station and Ørestads Boulevard (close to the Faculty of Law)
  • Area C between building 25 and 27
  • Area D between building 25 and Mikado House

See map of South Campus.

Guest Parking Cards are distributed locally at the information desk in the Legal Knowledge Centre. Be aware that a missing Parking Card can impose a fine.

There is a limited number of parking spaces at the South Campus. An issued Parking Card does not equal a parking spot for your car. Most of the parking spaces are usually occupied after 9 AM.