WELMA - Legal Studies in Welfare and Market

WELMA focuses on the Danish welfare society and the associated challenges from a broad legal perspective around the four thematic tracks of digitalization, Europeanisation and globalization, social inequality and marginalization and public employees in flux.






















































































Name Title
Bergenfelt, Kjeld Guest Researcher Billede af Bergenfelt, Kjeld
Bujandric, Daniel Yuki Komuro Teaching Associate Professor Billede af Bujandric, Daniel Yuki Komuro
Elgaard, Karina Kim Egholm Associate Professor Billede af Elgaard, Karina Kim Egholm
Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian Professor Billede af Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian
Gøtze, Michael Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Gøtze, Michael
Hartlev, Mette Professor Billede af Hartlev, Mette
Hegaard, Kristian Würtz PhD Fellow Billede af Hegaard, Kristian Würtz
Hvidt, Martine Stagelund Assistant Professor Billede af Hvidt, Martine Stagelund
Jacqueson, Catherine Professor Billede af Jacqueson, Catherine
Jørgensen, Stine Professor Billede af Jørgensen, Stine
Jørgensen, Anders PhD Fellow Billede af Jørgensen, Anders
Kargo, Sara Student FU Billede af Kargo, Sara
Kristiansen, Jens Professor Billede af Kristiansen, Jens
Lam, Joanna Professor with special responsibilities Billede af Lam, Joanna
Monjoin, Nathalie Roloff PhD Fellow Billede af Monjoin, Nathalie Roloff
Papis-Almansa, Marta Agnieszka Guest Researcher Billede af Papis-Almansa, Marta Agnieszka
Rasmussen, Karin Schwarz Revsbeck Postdoc Billede af Rasmussen, Karin Schwarz Revsbeck
Shapiro, Amanda Lee Postdoc Billede af Shapiro, Amanda Lee
mtr622, mtr622 PhD Student Billede af mtr622, mtr622
Ó Cathaoir, Katharina Associate Professor Billede af Ó Cathaoir, Katharina