PhD defence: Signe Wesenberg-Lund
It is a great pleasure for the Faculty of Law to invite all interested parties to LL.M. Signe Wesenberg-Lund’s public defence of her thesis entitled:
The challenges of tax law research
Legal studies in a Danish a tax law research framework with a view to formulating a different research framework
A contribution to tax law research and legal philosophy of science
The thesis has been evaluated by a committee consisting of:
- Professor Helle Krunke, University of Copenhagen
- Professor Sten Schaumburg-Müller, University of Southern Denmark
- Professor Åsa Gunnarsson, Umeå University.
The public defence takes place on Thursday 27 February 2025 at 14:00 in Auditorium 4A.0.69, Njalsgade 76, ground floor, 2300 Copenhagen S.
After the defence Signe and the Faculty of Law will host a reception in room 7A.0.16 (Pejsestuen), Njalsgade 76, ground floor, 2300 Copenhagen S. The reception ends at 18:00.
A copy of the thesis can be ordered from
The defence will be held in Danish.