PhD courses at the PhD School
The PhD School offers a comprehensive course program for PhD students enrolled at the Faculty of Law. In addition, a number of ad hoc courses are organized each year providing training in specific subjects, theories, methods, and analytical approaches within the field of law.
Whereas the course program is managed by the PhD Coordinators, courses offered on an ad hoc basis originate from research centres, collective research projects and individual faculty members
Do you want to organise a PhD course
You can find information on organising courses on the UCPH intranet.
If you do not work at UCPH, please contact a PhD Coordinator or the PhD Administration.
How to calculate ECTS
Find information on how to calculate ECTS (UCPH intranet).
PhD Administration
HR South and City Campuses
Njalsgade 76
Building 4b-1 and 5c-1
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Tel: +45 35 32 40 04
E-mail: phd@hrsc.ku.dk