Evaluation Seminar for PhD-student Federica Catonini

All interested are kindly invited to participate in Federica Catonini's evaluation seminar of her PhD-project, entitled:

Towards the regulation of ocean carbon sinks: regime interaction in climate change, ocean and biodiversity law. 

A short, updated description of the project is available on this link 

The seminar takes place on 20 February 2025, from 9:00 to 11:00, Meeting room 6B-4-04, Njalsgade 76, 4th floor, DK -2300 Copenhagen S 

External commentator at the seminar is: Prof. James Harrison, University of Edinburgh

Supervisor of the project, Associate Prof. Beatriz Martinez Romera, will act as chairman of the seminar. 

All interested parties are welcome!

The seminar will be held in English.