PhD defence: Salome Addo Ravn

It is a great pleasure for the Faculty of Law to invite all interested parties to LL.M. Salome´s public defence of her thesis entitled:

Assessing the Envolving Authority of the African Human Rights System:
A Case Study of Tanzania

The thesis has been evaluated by a committee consisting of:

  • Professor MSO Mikkel Jarle Christensen, University of Copenhagen
  • Professor Frans Viljoen, University of Pretoria
  • Professor Rachel Murray, Bristol University

Supervisor is Professor Mikael Rask Madsen, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

The public defence takes place on Monday 12 August 2024 at 13:00 in Alf Ross Auditorium 9A.3.01, Njalsgade 76, 3st floor, 2300 Copenhagen S.

After the defence Salome and the Faculty of Law will host a reception in Pejsestuen 7A.0.16, Njalsgade 76, 0th floor, 2300 Copenhagen S. The reception ends at 17.00.

A copy of the thesis can be ordered from

Link til summary in English (pdf)

The defence will be held in English.