Researching in EU law and Politics

This action contributes to the development and consolidation of research of EU law using political-legal approaches and methods. The vision of the action is also to experiment with research-based teaching and learning for introducing students to academic research and policy analysis in the field of EU legal-political studies. Following this strategy, the Chair will encourage, advice and mentor the young generation of professionals and researchers to adopt political-legal approaches in the study of EU law and, more broadly, in EU studies.

This section offers spaces of expression where students and researchers might implement and disseminate their independent research and policy/legal analyses on EU law adopting an interdisciplinary political-legal perspective.



In the following section, you can consult some of the most recent research (journal articles, book chapters, reports, etc.) from the members of the action and their collaborators on a wide variety of topics concerning EU law and politics.



  • Mayoral, Juan A., Shai Dothan & Matthias Smed Larsen (2022) (eds.) Special Issue: EU Law & Politics. Retskraft - Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies. 6(1).
  • Mayoral, Juan A., & Shai Dothan (2022). “Guest Editorial”. Special Issue: EU Law & Politics. Retskraft - Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies. 6(1): 1-6.
  • Mayoral, Juan A., Mikael Rask Madsen, Anton Strezhnev, and Erik Voeten (2022). “Sovereignty, Substance, and Public Support for European Courts’ Human Rights Rulings”. American Political Science Review. 116(2), 419-438.
  • Mayoral, Juan A. & Marlene Wind (2022) “Unleashed dialogue or captured by politics? The impact of judicial independence on national higher courts’ cooperation with the CJEU” Journal of European Public Policy.  
  • Mayoral, Juan A. & Antonio Barroso (2022) “Spain: Temporary Centralization amidst Political Polarization”. In Navigating the Perfect Storm: Understanding Governments Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe. Kennet Lynggaard, Mads Dagnis Jensen, Michael Friederich Kluth (eds.) Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics.
  • Mayoral, Juan A. (2022) “La Europeización Judicial de la Política Española”. In La Europeización de la Política Española. Javier Arregui (ed.) McGraw Hill. URL
  • Mayoral, Juan A. (2022) “In the CJEU judges trust: A new approach in the judicial construction of Europe”. In The Making of iCourts: New Interdisciplinary Legal Research. Henrik Palmer Olsen & Henrik Stampe Lund (eds.) 377-406.
  • Mayoral, Juan A. & Tom Pavone (2022) “Statistics as if Legality Mattered: The Two-Front Politics of Empirical Legal Studies.” In The Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method. Marija Bartl & Jessica Lawrence (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Wind, Marlene & Rohlfing, Regitze Helene (2022) “Death by a thousand cuts: measuring autocratic legalism in the European Union’s rule of law conundrum”. Democratization. 18 p.
  • Wind, Marlene (2022) “Denmark”. In National Constitutions and EU Integration. Griller, S., Lina Papadopoulou, L. & Puff, R. (eds.). Bloomsbury Publishing plc, p. 89-122 34 p.














This section lists the number of research events organized by the action to promote interdisciplinary and empirical research in EU law & Politics:






'The Sandbox' offers a creative space for the EUPoLex students and participants to make research visible and to communicate ideas discussed in the courses. The Sandbox serves as a repository of the research materials (e.g. articles, master-papers, blogposts, videos and podcasts) produced by the students involved in the EUPoLex courses.

First students’ research outputs coming for the courses on the Legalization of EU Politics (Spring 2020) and EU law in Political Context (Autumn 2020) are available in EU Law & Politics Special Issue in Retskraft.

Blog posts by EUPoLex Alumni:

  • Daniela Guggenbühl: “EU-Turkey Statement Four Years On: Success or Failure?”