Data licenses & practices of data licensing

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceCommunication

In connection with data management, it is difficult not to face the concept of data licenses. Licenses are an integrated part of the data landscape and the open data movement, and most research funders have specific data licensing policies and requirements. But for many researchers and research support staff, data licensing is something of a jungle. What do the different licenses entail? What do the specific licenses imply for the licensors and licensees? And what role do the licenses play in relation to the FAIR principles? This presentation will attempt to shed light on these issues and provide insight into practices of data licensing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventDeIC Conference 2019 -
Duration: 30 Oct 201931 Oct 2019


ConferenceDeIC Conference 2019
Internet address

ID: 242613431