Find within research areas:
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Humanities
Former Faculty of Life Sciences
Former LIFE faculty
Former Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Crop types
Human nutrition and health
The faculty's strategic research areas
Food safety
Animal production
Soil, water, climate and environment
Pets and horses
Land, forest and urban development
Plants and crop production
Plant diseases
Food and resource economics and politics
Animal health
developing countries
University affairs
Scientific disciplines and methods
???Dyr som modeller for sygdomme hos mennesker???
???Bioteknologi og husdyr???
???Antibiotika og antibiotikaresistens???
???Mundhule- og tandsygdomme hos mindre husdyr???
???Ernæring hos husdyr???
???Sygdomsepidemier blandt dyr???
???Svin og genetik???
???Stamceller og stamcelleterapi???
???Etik og husdyrproduktion???
???Genmodificerede husdyr???
???Husdyrs forplantning???
???Kloning af husdyr???
???Overførsel af sygdomme fra dyr til mennesker???
Associate Professor emeritus
Person: VIP
Head of section, Professor