Mette Marie Stæhr Harder

Mette Marie Stæhr Harder


Mette Marie Stæhr Harder's research falls within comparative politics and focuses on parliamentary representation. She studies questions such as:

  • How are Greenland and the Faroes represented in the Danish parliament?
  • How does the Danish parliament control the Danish Government?
  • How does the Danish Folketing work with political issues of gender equality?

Her article 'Pitkin's Second Way: Freeing Representation Theory from Identity', 56(1) won the Representation Best Paper Price 2020.

From the Carlsberg Foundation, she recently received a grant for the project Metropolitan Parliamentary Representation in which she will study how Greenland, Aruba, Bonaire, and Gibraltar are represented in their metropolitan parliaments. 

Other Roles:

Chair of The International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee on Indigenous Politics (since November 2022).

Convenor of GenParlNet+, (since July 2022).

Editorial Board Member of Nationalism & Ethnic Politics

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