Vibe Garf Ulfbeck
Head of Centre, Professor, Professor
JUR- CEPRI - Centre for Private Governance
Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S, 6B Bygning 6B (Afsnit 3), Building: 6B-3-64
Member of:
Primary fields of research
- Tort law
- Contract law
- Maritime law and transport law
Within these areas of the law, I focus in particular on legal issues in a 'private governance' perspective.
Current research
I am currently working on the overarching research project 'Private Governance' which concerns private actors in public roles. Special areas of interest include private law aspects of private governance in general, supply chains as private governance systems and supply chain liability, including with regard to transport and logistics, corporate contractual and extracontractual liability with regard to sustaianability goals, digital platforms as private governance systems.
- Tort law
- Contract law
- Maritime law
- Transport law
I supervise students in these areas of the law.
I supervise the following PhD projects:
- Emilie Katrine Friis: Liability for financial advice
- Maria Gausdal: Social clauses in private and public supply chains
- Rasmus Grønved: Public contracts
- Sara Spiro Svendsen: The Liability of the Parent Company for the Wrongdoings of the Subsidiary
Selected publications:
Responsibilities and Liabilities in the Arctic (ed.) Routledge, 2016 (forthcoming)
Arbejdstagerskader: afgrænsning, placering og kanalisering (ed.), 2014
- Ulfbeck V, Hovathorva, A, Peterkova, K.M, Responsible Supply Chain Management - Contract, tort, interplay and overlap (Routledge 2019)
- Ulfbeck, V, Møllmann A, Gram Mortensen, B.O., Responsibility and liability for commercial activity in the Arctic (Routledge 2016)
- Erstatningsretlige grænseområder. Professionsansvar og produktansvar, 2. ed. 2010
- Kontrakters relativitet, Gadjura, 2000
- The Corr Case Viewed from a Danish Perspective, European Review of Private Law 3, 2010, Kluwer Law International, p. 601-606
- Direct actions against the insurer in a maritime setting: The European perspective, Lloyd’s Maritime Commercial Law Quarterly, 2011, p.293-306
- Contracts of logistics and the Rotterdam Rules, The journal of International Maritime Law, Vol. 17, p. 219-225, 2011
- Employers' Liablity and Workers' Compensation. red. / Ken Oliphant; Gerhard Wagner. Vol. 31 Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 2012. s. 111-136 (Tort and Insurance Law, Vol. 31).
- Rott, P., Ulfbeck, V, Supply Chain Liability, European Private Law Review, 3-2015 (415-436)
- Ulfbeck, V, Andrecka, M 'Outsourcing of Welfareservices to Private Actors and Liability Issues, JETL, 2017, 78.
- Ulfbeck. V 'Supply Chain Liability for Workers' Injuries - Lessons to be Learned from Products Liability?, JETL 2018, 269
- Salung Petersen, C, Ulfbeck, V. Hansen, O 'Platforms as Private Governance Systems' Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, 2018, 38.
- Ulfbeck, V, Møllmann, A, 'Public Functionj Liabilty of Classification Societies' in Rott, P. Certification - Trust, Accountability, Liability, Springer 2019, 2019.
ID: 9046
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Rapport om betydningen af begrebet ”alment teknisk fælleseje” i entrepriseretten
Research output: Book/Report › Report › Research
Published -
Contracting Out of the Provision of Welfare Services to Private Actors and Liability Issues
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Published -
Private Governance and the Potential of Private Law
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review