Federica Muscaritoli

Federica Muscaritoli

PhD Student, PhD fellow

Born and raised in Rome, Federica received her BA degree in Political Sciences and International Relations from the University of Rome' La Sapienza' in 2018 and LLM in European Legal Studies from the University of Turin in 2021. For her Master's thesis, she researched the sustainability aspects of public contract clauses for the catering services sector.

Before commencing her PhD, Federica worked as a project assistant, co-teacher, and examiner in Food Law at the University of Turin.

Current research

Federica began as a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen in September 2021. Federica's PhD fits into the larger project SAPIENS Network (Sustainability and Procurement in International, European and National systems. The latter is EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (ITN). Within that project, Federica is researching the role of public procurement as a tool to fight climate change. 

More specifically, the PhD Thesis delves into the latest shifts of EU Public Procurement, Climate and Environmental Law to assess how public procurement can be used as a legal instrument to achieve the objective of climate neutrality established by the EU Climate Law. The analysis entails a detailed re-examination of the EU Public Procurement rules, particularly those enshrined in Directive 2014/24, to set the stage for the study. Then, it will delve into the relationship between provisions at the Treaty level and their implications for Directive 2014/24. Lastly, after identifying the relevant EU Directives and Regulations, the author will proceed to categorize them in relation to the EU public procurement rules. The final monograph is addressed to judges to inform a legally sound interpretation and to contracting authorities as a users' guide to properly design procedures considering all EU public procurement rules and applying them properly.


Federica taught Governmental contracts and Udbudsret (Public Procurement Law) during a.y. 2021/2022.

ID: 283347349