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Name Title Job responsibilities
Afsah, Ebrahim Associate Professor International Law, Constitutional Law, Islamic Law, International Relations Billede af Afsah, Ebrahim
Agrawal, Mitali PhD Fellow Billede af Agrawal, Mitali
Andersen, Marlene Louise Buch Associate Professor Insurance Law, Tort Law, Workers Compensation, Work Environment, Digital Platforms, Private Governance in Insurance Billede af Andersen, Marlene Louise Buch
Andersen, Mads Bryde Professor International Private Law Billede af Andersen, Mads Bryde
Andhov, Marta Associate Professor Public procurement law, sustainable public procurement, governmental contracts, food law, Trade law, arbitration, contract law Billede af Andhov, Marta
Andhov, Alexandra Associate Professor orporate law, law and technology, blockchain regulation, corporate governance, capital market law, FinTech and Legal Tech Billede af Andhov, Alexandra
Arda, Asli Assistant Professor Shipping Law, Contract Law, Autonomous and Remotely Controlled Ships, Digitalization, Commercial Arbitration, Insurance Law Billede af Arda, Asli
Armand, Cecilie Adler PhD Fellow Billede af Armand, Cecilie Adler
Assanti, Emanuele Guarna Guest Researcher Billede af Assanti, Emanuele Guarna
Balvig, Flemming Professor Emeritus Criminology Billede af Balvig, Flemming
Bang-Pedersen, Ulrik Rammeskow Professor Billede af Bang-Pedersen, Ulrik Rammeskow
Barrio Fernandez, Alberto Postdoc Billede af Barrio Fernandez, Alberto
Battistella Marinucci, Vincenzo PhD Fellow Maritime- and transport law, contract law, sustainability in shipping law, tort law, offshore contracts, law of ports, piracy, autonomous vehicles Billede af Battistella Marinucci, Vincenzo
Baumbach, Trine Professor Billede af Baumbach, Trine
Bendtsen, Jeppe Varning PhD Fellow Billede af Bendtsen, Jeppe Varning
Bergenfelt, Kjeld Guest Researcher Billede af Bergenfelt, Kjeld
Bergenfelt, Kjeld PhD Student Billede af Bergenfelt, Kjeld
Bergqvist, Christian Associate Professor Billede af Bergqvist, Christian
Blomqvist, Jørgen Affiliate Professor Billede af Blomqvist, Jørgen
Bluitgen, Emilie Topp PhD Fellow Billede af Bluitgen, Emilie Topp
Bogetoft, Rasmus Arler Kamstrup Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Billede af Bogetoft, Rasmus Arler Kamstrup
Bostyn, Sven Jean R Associate Professor Billede af Bostyn, Sven Jean R
Bruun, Anna Ulrikke PhD Fellow Billede af Bruun, Anna Ulrikke
Cakal, Ergun Guest Researcher Billede af Cakal, Ergun
Caserta, Salvatore Associate Professor Sociology of Law Billede af Caserta, Salvatore
Catonini, Federica PhD Fellow Billede af Catonini, Federica
Cavaleri, Sylvie Cécile Associate Professor Contract law, especially construction law and dispute resolution, mostly in international or comparative perspective; international private law Billede af Cavaleri, Sylvie Cécile
Christensen, Mikkel Jarle Professor with special responsibilities Sociology and Law Billede af Christensen, Mikkel Jarle
Christensen, Jan S Affiliate Professor Billede af Christensen, Jan S
Corrales Compagnucci, Marcelo Associate Professor IT law Billede af Corrales Compagnucci, Marcelo
Cullen, Miriam Associate Professor Associate Professor Billede af Cullen, Miriam
Dahl, Børge Affiliate Professor Billede af Dahl, Børge
Dahl, Anya Kristina Cheng PhD Fellow Billede af Dahl, Anya Kristina Cheng
Davis, Peter Alexander Earls Postdoc Billede af Davis, Peter Alexander Earls
Dothan, Shai Associate Professor Billede af Dothan, Shai
Dunfjäll, Måns PhD Fellow Billede af Dunfjäll, Måns
Ebbersmeyer, Ana Stella Postdoc Billede af Ebbersmeyer, Ana Stella
Ehlers, Andreas Bloch Professor Billede af Ehlers, Andreas Bloch
Eklund, Hanna Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Billede af Eklund, Hanna
Elgaard, Karina Kim Egholm Associate Professor Billede af Elgaard, Karina Kim Egholm
Esber, Paul Maurice Postdoc Marie Curie Billede af Esber, Paul Maurice
Fausch, Inesa Guest Researcher Billede af Fausch, Inesa
Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian Professor Billede af Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian
Fikfak, Veronika Associate Professor Billede af Fikfak, Veronika
Foss-Solbrekk, Katarina Postdoc Billede af Foss-Solbrekk, Katarina
Frese, Amalie Associate Professor Aassociate professor in social- and equality law Billede af Frese, Amalie
Frost, Kim Professor Billede af Frost, Kim
Gausdal, Maria Edith Lindholm Assistant Professor Contract law (sustainability/regulatory), torts, railway law, standards, labour/human rights/climate & private law, interface private/procurement law Billede af Gausdal, Maria Edith Lindholm
Gbemi, Tayi Elizabeth Guest Researcher Billede af Gbemi, Tayi Elizabeth
Gebremichael, Atakilti H PhD Fellow Billede af Gebremichael, Atakilti H
Giakouminaki, Olga Guest Researcher Billede af Giakouminaki, Olga
Gianino, Sebastiano PhD Fellow Billede af Gianino, Sebastiano
Glinski, Carola Guest Researcher Billede af Glinski, Carola
Godzimirska, Zuzanna Associate Professor Human Rights and InternationalIinstitutions Billede af Godzimirska, Zuzanna
Gravholt, Anne Mosegaard PhD Fellow Billede af Gravholt, Anne Mosegaard
Gromek, Michal Guest Researcher Billede af Gromek, Michal
Gunnarsdóttir, Hrefna Dögg Postdoc Billede af Gunnarsdóttir, Hrefna Dögg
Gøtze, Michael Head of Centre, Professor Administrative Law Billede af Gøtze, Michael
Haagensen, Nicholas Assistant Professor Billede af Haagensen, Nicholas
Hamer, Carina Risvig Professor Procurement Law, Public Contracts, Administrative Law and EU Law Billede af Hamer, Carina Risvig
Hansen, Ole Professor Contract law, construction law, energy contracts, private governance, digitalization, sustainability Billede af Hansen, Ole
Hansen, Jesper Lau Professor Billede af Hansen, Jesper Lau
Harder, Mette Marie Stæhr Assistant Professor Billede af Harder, Mette Marie Stæhr
Hartlev, Mette Professor Health Law, Bio Law - Head of Internationality Billede af Hartlev, Mette
Hartmann, Jacques Guest Researcher Billede af Hartmann, Jacques
Haugsted, Thomas PhD Student Billede af Haugsted, Thomas
Hayward, Keith John Professor Criminology, Terrorism and extremism, Infantilsation Billede af Hayward, Keith John
Hegaard, Kristian Würtz PhD Fellow Billede af Hegaard, Kristian Würtz
Heide-Jørgensen, Caroline Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Heide-Jørgensen, Caroline
Herrmann, Janne Rothmar Professor Professor Billede af Herrmann, Janne Rothmar
Hertz, Maya Ellen PhD Fellow Billede af Hertz, Maya Ellen
Holtermann, Jakob v. H. Associate Professor Billede af Holtermann, Jakob v. H.
Hovden, Katarina Guest Researcher Billede af Hovden, Katarina
Hovden, Katarina PhD Student Billede af Hovden, Katarina
Hvid, Geske Guest Researcher Billede af Hvid, Geske
Hvidt, Martine Stagelund Assistant Professor Billede af Hvidt, Martine Stagelund
Iasechko, Svitlana Postdoc Billede af Iasechko, Svitlana
Jacqueson, Catherine Professor Billede af Jacqueson, Catherine
Jarlner, Asta Sofie Stage PhD Fellow Billede af Jarlner, Asta Sofie Stage
Jensen, Mathilde Worch Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Billede af Jensen, Mathilde Worch
Jiménez Laurence, Andrea PhD Fellow Billede af Jiménez Laurence, Andrea
Juul, Sidsel Engmann PhD Fellow Billede af Juul, Sidsel Engmann
Jørgensen, Stine Professor Billede af Jørgensen, Stine
Jørgensen, Anders PhD Fellow PhD fellow Billede af Jørgensen, Anders
Kania, Michal Andrzej Senior Researcher Public procurement law, Public-Private Partnership, Concession law, Contract Law, Arbitration and Mediation, PURPLE project Billede af Kania, Michal Andrzej
Karatayev, Marat Guest Researcher Billede af Karatayev, Marat
Ketscher, Kirsten Professor, Emerita Billede af Ketscher, Kirsten
Kjær, Anne Lise Associate Professor Billede af Kjær, Anne Lise
Klinge, Sune Associate Professor Constitutional Law, European Union Constitutional Law, European Union Law Billede af Klinge, Sune
Kloster, Pernille PhD Fellow Billede af Kloster, Pernille
Kokoulina, Olga Assistant Professor Billede af Kokoulina, Olga
Komárek, Jan Professor Professor Billede af Komárek, Jan
Kos, Ula Aleksandra Postdoc Billede af Kos, Ula Aleksandra
Krempel, Tamara Guest Researcher Billede af Krempel, Tamara
Kristiansen, Jens Professor Billede af Kristiansen, Jens
Krunke, Helle Head of Centre, Professor Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, European Union Constitutional Law, European Union Law Billede af Krunke, Helle
Kucuksu, Aysel Eybil Assistant Professor Billede af Kucuksu, Aysel Eybil
Kuner, Christopher Barth Affiliate Professor Billede af Kuner, Christopher Barth
Kurnaz, Isil Nur Guest Researcher Billede af Kurnaz, Isil Nur
Kustra-Rogatka, Aleksandra Guest Researcher Billede af Kustra-Rogatka, Aleksandra
Lam, Joanna Professor with special responsibilities Coordinator of SHIELD, International Economic Law and Dispute Resolution Billede af Lam, Joanna
Larouche, Guillaume PhD Fellow Billede af Larouche, Guillaume
Larsen, Signe Rehling Postdoc Billede af Larsen, Signe Rehling
Lebret, Audrey Associate Professor Billede af Lebret, Audrey
Lenarczyk, Gabriela Maria Postdoc Billede af Lenarczyk, Gabriela Maria
Lev, Amnon Associate Professor Billede af Lev, Amnon
Levina, Daria Guest Researcher Billede af Levina, Daria
Li, Zhengmin PhD Fellow Billede af Li, Zhengmin
Liu, Hin-Yan Associate Professor Billede af Liu, Hin-Yan
Loja, Melissa Hubahib Postdoc Billede af Loja, Melissa Hubahib
Lookofsky, Joseph Professor Emeritus Billede af Lookofsky, Joseph
Luckner, Katharina Research Assistant Billede af Luckner, Katharina
Lund-Andersen, Ingrid Professor, Emerita Billede af Lund-Andersen, Ingrid
Lundsgaard, Thorbjørn Waal PhD Fellow Billede af Lundsgaard, Thorbjørn Waal
MacLeod, Sorcha Associate Professor Billede af MacLeod, Sorcha
Madsen, Mikael Rask Head of Centre, Professor Legal profession, Internationalisation of law and human rights, international transformation of the state Billede af Madsen, Mikael Rask
Mann, Sebastian Porsdam Assistant Professor Billede af Mann, Sebastian Porsdam
Marchuk, Iryna Associate Professor International and Comparative Criminal Law, Transnational Financial Crimes, Immunities, State Responsibility Billede af Marchuk, Iryna
Martinez Romera, Beatriz Head of Centre, Associate Professor Environmental law and climate change Billede af Martinez Romera, Beatriz
Masol, Sergii Postdoc Billede af Masol, Sergii
Meng, Wendy Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Meng, Wendy
Minssen, Timo Head of Centre, Professor Intellectual Property and Competition Law with a focus on Biotech & Pharmaceuticals Billede af Minssen, Timo
Monjoin, Nathalie Roloff PhD Fellow Billede af Monjoin, Nathalie Roloff
Monti, Alessandro Assistant Professor Billede af Monti, Alessandro
Mortensen, Peter Professor Billede af Mortensen, Peter
Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie Professor Billede af Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie
Mouyal, Lone Wandahl Associate Professor Business law and sustainability, including sustainable finance Billede af Mouyal, Lone Wandahl
Muscaritoli, Federica PhD Student Billede af Muscaritoli, Federica
Neergaard, Ulla Professor EU Law, EU Constitutional Law, Internal Market, European Legal Method and Theory, Solidarity and Social Dimension, Contemporary Challenges for the EU Billede af Neergaard, Ulla
Nielsen, Dan Stausholm Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Nielsen, Dan Stausholm
Nielsen, Linda Professor Professor of global law and governance. Topics include Finance, Banking law and Investment, CSR, ICT, Biolaw, Family Law, Inheritance Law and Pension Billede af Nielsen, Linda
Nielsen, Rasmus Grønved Associate Professor Billede af Nielsen, Rasmus Grønved
Nielsen, Maj Rørdam Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Nielsen, Maj Rørdam
Niemiec, Emilia Postdoc Billede af Niemiec, Emilia
Nordlander, Linnéa Assistant Professor Billede af Nordlander, Linnéa
Olesen, Karsten Naundrup Professor Law of Obligations, with focus on public sector marked activity Billede af Olesen, Karsten Naundrup
Olsen, Henrik Palmer Professor Professor in Jurisprudence Billede af Olsen, Henrik Palmer
Olsen, Céline E J L Brassart Assistant Professor Billede af Olsen, Céline E J L Brassart
Orford, Adam Duane Guest Researcher Billede af Orford, Adam Duane
Pagh, Peter Professor Billede af Pagh, Peter
Papis-Almansa, Marta Agnieszka Guest Researcher Billede af Papis-Almansa, Marta Agnieszka
Pedersen, Anja Møller Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Billede af Pedersen, Anja Møller
Pedersen, Frank Høgholm Associate Professor Assoc. Professor - Family Law and Law of Succession Billede af Pedersen, Frank Høgholm
Petersen, Clement Salung Professor Civil procedure, arbitration, mediation, complaints boards, ADR, private and public dispute resolution and enforcement Billede af Petersen, Clement Salung
Petersen, Hanne Professor, Emerita Billede af Petersen, Hanne
Poulsen, Ingi Guest Researcher Billede af Poulsen, Ingi
Poulsen, Pernille Holten PhD Student Billede af Poulsen, Pernille Holten
Puisto, Aarne Guest Researcher Billede af Puisto, Aarne
Racková, Natália PhD Fellow Billede af Racková, Natália
Rasmussen, Karin Schwarz Revsbeck Postdoc Billede af Rasmussen, Karin Schwarz Revsbeck
Ravn, Salome Addo Postdoc Billede af Ravn, Salome Addo
Riis, Nine Research Assistant Data law, IT law, contract law, tort law, impact of technology regulation on private actors, law and technology, IT disputes, IT contract law Billede af Riis, Nine
Riis, Thomas Professor Billede af Riis, Thomas
Ritchie, Hamish George Postdoc Billede af Ritchie, Hamish George
Ritchie, Hamish George Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Ritchie, Hamish George
Roma, Tamara Guest Researcher Billede af Roma, Tamara
Rosenmeier, Morten Professor Billede af Rosenmeier, Morten
Rousseau, Jean-Michel External Researcher Billede af Rousseau, Jean-Michel
Rytter, Jens Elo Petersen Professor Professor on Constitutional Law (Human Rights) Billede af Rytter, Jens Elo Petersen
Rørdam, Thomas Affiliate Professor Billede af Rørdam, Thomas
Saljic, Arnel PhD Student Precontractual liability, culpa in contrahendo, tort law, contract law, procurement law Billede af Saljic, Arnel
Schack, Marc Associate Professor Billede af Schack, Marc
Schovsbo, Jens Hemmingsen Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Schovsbo, Jens Hemmingsen
Schrøder-Hansen, Torkil PhD Fellow Billede af Schrøder-Hansen, Torkil
Schwemer, Sebastian Felix Associate Professor Regulation of & by technology Billede af Schwemer, Sebastian Felix
Schäfer, Anders Associate Professor Billede af Schäfer, Anders
Sewak, Hersh PhD Student Billede af Sewak, Hersh
Shapiro, Amanda Lee Postdoc Billede af Shapiro, Amanda Lee
Sigura, Verda Research Assistant Billede af Sigura, Verda
Silvereke, Siri Postdoc Billede af Silvereke, Siri
Slavík, Matej Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Slavík, Matej
Slosser, Jacob Livingston Assistant Professor Billede af Slosser, Jacob Livingston
Smith, Hannah Louise Postdoc Billede af Smith, Hannah Louise
Smith, Eva Professor, Emerita Billede af Smith, Eva
Steenmans, Katrien Postdoc Private governance in circular supply chains, circular economy, waste law, extended producer responsibility, contract law Billede af Steenmans, Katrien
Stefánsson, Stefán Már Guest Researcher Billede af Stefánsson, Stefán Már
Stevnsborg, Henrik Professor Emeritus Billede af Stevnsborg, Henrik
Stærfeldt, Leonora Kleppa PhD Fellow Billede af Stærfeldt, Leonora Kleppa
Tamm, Ditlev Professor Emeritus Billede af Tamm, Ditlev
Tanaka, Yoshifumi Professor Law of the sea, peaceful settlement of international disputes (including inter-State arbitration), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (I... Billede af Tanaka, Yoshifumi
Taxhjelm, Frederik Rom PhD Fellow Billede af Taxhjelm, Frederik Rom
Thøgersen, Marie Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Thøgersen, Marie
Tronci, Andrea Guest Researcher Billede af Tronci, Andrea
Tufte-Kristensen, Johan Associate Professor Billede af Tufte-Kristensen, Johan
Udsen, Henrik Professor IT Law Billede af Udsen, Henrik
Ulfbeck, Vibe Garf Head of Centre, Professor Tort law, contract law, maritime- and transport law, private governance in circular supply chains, digital platforms and climate litigation Billede af Ulfbeck, Vibe Garf
Usynin, Maxim Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Comparative private law, maritime law, international investment law and arbitration, international commercial arbitration, digital platforms, Russi... Billede af Usynin, Maxim
Uysal, Ezgi Postdoc Billede af Uysal, Ezgi
Valdés Argüelles, Cristina PhD Fellow Billede af Valdés Argüelles, Cristina
Valkanou, Theodora Postdoc Billede af Valkanou, Theodora
Vallejo Garreton, Rodrigo Javier Marie Curie Fellow Business Law, Sustainable Finance, Capital Markets, Standardisation, Private Regulation, Economic Constitutionalism, Transnational Legal Theory Billede af Vallejo Garreton, Rodrigo Javier
Valtere, Laura Postdoc Billede af Valtere, Laura
Vasquez Dazarola, Ricardo Andres PhD Fellow Billede af Vasquez Dazarola, Ricardo Andres
Vestergaard, Jørn Professor Emeritus Criminal law, international criminal law and procedure, EU criminal law Billede af Vestergaard, Jørn
Vindeløv, Vibeke Professor, Emerita Billede af Vindeløv, Vibeke
Weber, Viktor Postdoc Billede af Weber, Viktor
Wee, Camilla Louise Johnson Research Assistant Billede af Wee, Camilla Louise Johnson
Wee, Camilla Louise Johnson PhD Student Billede af Wee, Camilla Louise Johnson
Weldon, Isaac Assistant Professor Billede af Weldon, Isaac
Wesenberg-Lund, Signe PhD Student Billede af Wesenberg-Lund, Signe
Wested, Jakob Associate Professor Billede af Wested, Jakob
Whitta-Jacobsen, Mads Christopher PhD Fellow Billede af Whitta-Jacobsen, Mads Christopher
Wiesener, Cornelius Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Billede af Wiesener, Cornelius
Yang, Jie PhD Student Billede af Yang, Jie
Zainula, Jianaer PhD Student Billede af Zainula, Jianaer
Zhang, Meng Postdoc Billede af Zhang, Meng
mtr622, mtr622 PhD Student Billede af mtr622, mtr622
Ó Cathaoir, Katharina Associate Professor Health Law Billede af Ó Cathaoir, Katharina
Özlü, Ezgi Guest Researcher Billede af Özlü, Ezgi