23 Jan. 2025, 9:30-11:30 Evalueringsseminar for ph.d.-studerende Arnel Saljic / Evaluation Seminar for PhD-student Arnel Saljic Prækontraktuelt ansvar (Pre-contractual liability)
27 Jan. 2025, 14:00-18:00 PhD defence: Niels Mikael Hjerrild CENSUR OG CENSURBEGREBET I DET MODERNE DEMOKRATISKE SAMFUND (In Danish).
3 Feb. 2025, 13:00-17:00 PhD defence: Hamish George Ritchie Engelsk titel. Findes det kun med dansk titel skrives (In Danish)
2024.12.19 JOIN LERU DOCTORAL SUMMER SCHOOL 2025 AT UCPH The 14th edition of the LERU Doctoral Summer School will be held at the University of Copenhagen…
2024.12.16 Roundtable Seminars for PhD students This autumn the following PhD students will present their research projects at the roundtable…