Staff at CIS - Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law
Name | Title | Job responsibilities | |
Adrian, Lin | Professor | Conflict resolution. Head of UCPHs master in Conflict resolution |
Andersen, Søren Stig | Postdoc |
Asmussen, Ida Helene | Associate Professor | Conflict resolution |
Bruun, Anna Ulrikke | PhD Fellow |
Elholm, Thomas | Professor | Legal Science with a focus on Criminal Law |
Gravholt, Anne Mosegaard | PhD Fellow |
Holmberg, Lars | Associate Professor | Criminology. Head of Centre |
Johansen, Louise Victoria | Associate Professor | Legal anthropology |
Knudsen, Pernille Ulla | Teaching Associate Professor |
Laursen, Julie | Associate Professor |
Petræus, Liva Louise Haag | Student FU |
Porsdam, Helle | Professor | Cultural Rights |
Rasmussen, Katrine Barnekow | Assistant Professor |
Schrøder-Hansen, Torkil | PhD Fellow |
Taxhjelm, Frederik Rom | PhD Fellow |
Viskum, Bjarke | Teaching Associate Professor |
Vogt, Helle | Professor | Legal history |