Staff at CIS - Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law

Name Title Job responsibilities
Adrian, Lin Professor Conflict resolution. Head of UCPHs master in Conflict resolution Billede af Adrian, Lin
Andersen, Søren Stig Postdoc Billede af Andersen, Søren Stig
Asmussen, Ida Helene Associate Professor Conflict resolution Billede af Asmussen, Ida Helene
Bruun, Anna Ulrikke PhD Fellow Billede af Bruun, Anna Ulrikke
Elholm, Thomas Professor Legal Science with a focus on Criminal Law Billede af Elholm, Thomas
Gravholt, Anne Mosegaard PhD Fellow Billede af Gravholt, Anne Mosegaard
Holmberg, Lars Associate Professor Criminology. Head of Centre Billede af Holmberg, Lars
Johansen, Louise Victoria Associate Professor Legal anthropology Billede af Johansen, Louise Victoria
Knudsen, Pernille Ulla Teaching Associate Professor Billede af Knudsen, Pernille Ulla
Laursen, Julie Associate Professor Billede af Laursen, Julie
Petræus, Liva Louise Haag Student FU Billede af Petræus, Liva Louise Haag
Porsdam, Helle Professor Cultural Rights Billede af Porsdam, Helle
Rasmussen, Katrine Barnekow Assistant Professor Billede af Rasmussen, Katrine Barnekow
Schrøder-Hansen, Torkil PhD Fellow Billede af Schrøder-Hansen, Torkil
Taxhjelm, Frederik Rom PhD Fellow Billede af Taxhjelm, Frederik Rom
Viskum, Bjarke Teaching Associate Professor Billede af Viskum, Bjarke
Vogt, Helle Professor Legal history Billede af Vogt, Helle