UNESCO Chairs Seminars on Human Rights: "Science Benefiting Society - the role of the right to science"

At UNESCO Chairs Seminar on Human Rights No. 5, Professor Helle Porsdam will participate in a panel on "Science Benefiting Society - the role of the right to science"
Seminar description
Scientists and scientific knowledge have been widely praised for helping to combat disease and its consequences, discovering vaccines in record time, but also helping to keep our societies and the economy functioning. Yet, science’s full potential will remain untapped unless there is a steadfast commitment to a human rights-based approach, with the right to science at the centre.
The need for such paradigm shift is reinforced inter alia by two worrisome trends: the persisting inequalities of access to scientific knowledge and the applications of scientific progress; and the vicious circle of erosion of trust in science and infringements on scientific freedom and the safety of scientists. Such considerations underpinned the call of UNESCO Member States at the 216th session of the Organization’s Executive Board to strengthen the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (2017), an instrument that articulates a values-based vision of science.
Read more about the online webinar (pdf)
Please register no later than the 14 June 2023 at 12:00 using this registration form