CIIR Visiting Programme

Nyhavn, old Copenhagen - Photographer: Wonderful Copenhagen
We regularly welcomes junior and senior researchers for both shorter and longer in-residence visits. Scholars from Danish and international universities with a research interest in one of CIIR’s research areas (information & IP, data protection & privacy, technology & regulation) are welcome to apply for a research visit at CIIR for a minimum period of one week to one year.
Shorter research visits (< 1 month): For shorter research visits, please contact the researcher at CIIR, who is most relevant for your project, or the head of centre.
Longer research stays (> 1 month): We are especially interested in welcoming guests for longer periods, where you will be part of our research environment. For longer research stays, please refer to the Faculty’s Visiting Researcher Programme and contact the researcher at CIIR, who is most relevant for your project, or the head of centre.
Interested in visiting us? We look forward to hearing from you 👋