Indigenous Metropolitan Representation: Representation of Greenland
Although metropolitan parliaments make decisions that affect the lives of citizens in their periphery territories directly, little is known about how these territories are represented here. Based on an empirical study of the way Greenlandic interests are represented in the Danish parliament, this project generates new knowledge about indigenous parliamentary representation in a settler state parliament. In turn, it proposes a set of normative criteria for good parliamentary representation of indigenous peoples in general and the Greenlanders in particular.

Empirically, the project sets out to study if the substantive representation of Greenlandic interests is as equal as the Danish Constitution suggests. A former project pointed towards the existence of informal institutions that restrict the scope of action for parliamentarians elected in Greenland. Among these are norms for the content of Greenlandic representatives’ political mandate as well as practices relating to how Danish and Greenlandic parliamentarians cooperate. Yet, practices like this are not addressed when looking at the formal rules and institutional arrangements only. To study such a phenomenon, we need a research strategy that is sensitive towards the way formal and informal institutions interact with established power structures and colonial heritage. In short, we need an indigenous parliamentary institutionalism which is sensitive to the concepts of identity, law, history, geography, and power. This project sets out to develop such a theory which may inspire future studies of indigenous metropolitan parliamentary representation.
Harder, Mette Marie Stæhr, 2022, Færøske og grønlandske mandater i Folketinget I: Politica. 54, 1, 5-22.
Clegg, P., Harder, Mette Marie Stæhr, Nauclér, E. & Alomar, R. C., 2022, Parliamentary representation of overseas territories in the metropolis: a comparative analysis I: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 60, 3
Harder, Mette Marie Stæhr (2022)” De grønlandske folketingsmedlemmer” i 6.1.1 Rigsfællesskabet, kapitel 6 IN Trap Grønland, Gad, Ulrik Pram and Kleist Kupik (eds.)
Vísa aftur, at teir ikki eru virknir á fólkatingi.KVR, 11. marts 2022 – kl 15:05,
Ny forskning: Grønlandske MF'ere er mere aktive end de færøske, Altinget, 23. februar 2022 kl. 05.00,
Name | Title | Phone | |
Mette Marie Stæhr Harder | Assistant Professor | +4535324870 |

Indigenous Metropolitan Representation: Representation of Greenland has received funding from Carlsberg Foundation.
Amount: DKK 1.315.245 DKK
Project title: Indigenous Metropolitan Representation: Representation of Greenland
Period: 01 03 2022- 04 06 2025
Carlsberg Postdoctoral Fellow, Re-integration scholarship (PI)
Mette Marie Stæhr Harder
South Campus, Building 6A-4-44
DK 2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 42 91 94 49