Isomorphic articulations: Notes from collaborative film-work in an Afghan-Danish Film Collective

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

This chapter takes its point of departure in the ongoing research project: ARTlife: Articulations of Life among Afghans in Denmark’ and its experiments with co-generating spaces of articulation beyond the verbal and that which can be grasped within conventional academic discourse. Gregory Bateson advocated remaining systematic and rigorous in working open-ended with no narrowly predefined goal. Eduardo Kohn, inspired by Bateson, suggests an anthropological thinking that is isomorphic, that is, corresponding or similar in form and relations. The inaugural workshop was held at the home of visual anthropologist Sine Plambech and film director Janus Metz. Sine has worked with representing women, migration and everyday life. Janus has directed an award-winning film on Danish military involvement in Afghanistan, following young Danish soldiers deployed to the Helmand province. These spaces and people were chosen carefully, seeking to be clear about the author’s ‘politics of inviting’.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPeripheral Methodologies : Unlearning, Not-knowing and Ethnographic Limits
EditorsFrancisco Martinez, Lili Di Puppo, Martin Demant Frederiksen
Number of pages16
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Publication date2021
ISBN (Print)9781003103646
ISBN (Electronic)9781000211016
Publication statusPublished - 2021
SeriesAnthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 selection and editorial matter, Francisco Martínez, Lili Di Puppo and Martin Demant Frederiksen; individual chapters, the contributors.

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Social Sciences - Isomorphic, Articulation, Visual anthropology, Collective, Peripheral, Greyness, Digital anthropology, Representation, Experimental ethnography, Poetry and Politics

ID: 398562295