2024.01.16 New Guest Researcher at CECS - Serena Fabbozzo Serena Fabbozzo is a civil and administrative lawyer and a PhD candidate at the University of Turin (Italy), visiting the Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies from January 2024, for six months.
2023.11.09 New Postdoc at CECS - Sergii Masol Sergii Masol is a new postdoc at CECS. He will be exploring the Russian approaches to international law within the framework of the EASTERNISATION research project “Power Shifts and Regionalisation of International Law”, which is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
2023.11.09 New Postdoc at CECS - Melissa Hubahib Loja Melissa Hubahib Loja is a postdoc in the EASTERNISATION project, which examines empirical data from post-World War II to the present on the infrastructure of international law being built by Russia and China.
2023.10.11 Visiting researcher at CECS - Tomas Midttun Tobiassen Visiting researcher September - October 2023