National Coordination of Data Steward Education in Denmark: Final report to the National Forum for Research Data Management (DM Forum)

Research output: Book/ReportReportCommunication


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This report provides an analysis of current educations in data stewardship and an evaluation of the needs and expectations to the role of a Data Steward (DS) across the private and public sector. The aim is to inform future data stewardship educations in Denmark. Methods of analysis included a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods such as literature review, text mining, questionnaires, correlation analyses and interviews. All supporting materials produced throughout the report are found and freely available in the project community site.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDanish e-Infrastructure Cooperation
Number of pages32
Commissioning bodyDanish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC)
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventData Steward education - coordination or competition?: 1-day conference gathering academia, industry and public sector - Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 4 Oct 20194 Oct 2019


ConferenceData Steward education - coordination or competition?
LocationFaculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Internet address

Bibliographical note

All supporting materials produced throughout the report are found and freely available in the project community site:

Note re. dissertation

The project has been financially supported by the National Forum for Research Data Management (DM Forum) as part of DeIC (Danish E-Infrastructure Cooperation).

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Science - data stewardship, education, educational needs, fair data, data steward, higher education in Denmark, data curation

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