Privacy and Power

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference


Ebrahim Afsah - Organizer

This afternoon seminar brings together a distinguished group of speakers to discuss the state of privacy, surveillance and the different approaches shown by governments across the Atlantic. Offering distinct American, German and Danish perspectives. The seminar marks the publication of a new book offering a comprehensive analysis of the response to intrusive data collection efforts by the US National Security Agency. This timely volume documents and critically engages with the profound differences concerning privacy and intelligence-gathering that opened up between the U.S. and Europeans after Edward Snowden’s dramatic revelations.  In nearly 30 contributions from leading scholars and practitioners in the fields – from both sides of the Atlantic – the book both advances the thesis that privacy is a socially contingent interest and explains the social foundations that lead to strong differences on that issue in the U.S. and Europe.  The book unfolds in several sections:  contributions generally reframing the issues of privacy and security in the post-Snowden era; two remarkable chapters pointedly framing the nature of the transatlantic dispute; a diverse collection of views on the law and policy of the NSA-Affair from the U.S. and Germany; commentary reflecting on the international and supranational legal implications of these issues; and several cultural studies chapters considering the social framing of these issues in the U.S. and Europe.  This is the comprehensive record and incisively critical assessment of the NSA-Affair. The panellists are: Mr. Ronald Lee, the former General Counsel of the NSA and former Chief of Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency and now a partner at a major US law firm, Professor Russel Miller of Washington & Lee University in Virginia and editor of the book, Dr. Stefan Heumann of Stiftung Neue Verantwortung in Berlin, a major German think tank focussed on issues of digital governance, and Professor Peter Blume and Associate Professor Ebrahim Afsah from our own law faculty. [Add links to their respective websites through their respective names: The seminar is offered in conjunction and as part of the instruction in the course “States of Emergency” offered by Ebrahim Afsah.
2 Mar 2017


SeminarPrivacy and Power
LocationFaculty of Law, KU

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