Legally Recognising the Authority of the Eurogroup

Research output: Book/ReportReportCommunication

The current “semi-intergovernmental” (Keppenne 2014)
and legally indeterminate (Takis 2019) form in which
power is exercised in Europe’s economic governance
structure – an outcome of the Eurozone (EZ) crisis –
poses serious challenges to the legitimacy of a social
order that is purportedly based on legally-constituted
authority, as expressed in the division of powers at
national and supranational scales and the principles of
rule-of-law and legal certainty in the EU Treaties.
In what follows, the focal point of this problem is
pinpointed as well as its background and context.
Then, the research objective and methodology
used to investigate the conditions of how this legal
arrangement developed during the crisis are briefly
outlined. Finally, the findings are presented, followed by
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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ID: 252066450