EU Public Procurement anno 2025 - Are the rules fit for purpose?

Public procurement conference

The CPB-Project will host this Public Procurement Conference – EU Public Procurement anno 2025 - Are the rules fit for purpose? The aim of the Conference is to discuss relevant emerging issues in EU public procurement and how the rules should develop in the future. 

The European Commission has announced in its Political guidelines for the term 2024-2029, that it will launch a comprehensive evaluation of the Public Procurement Directive(s). Among relevant topics to explore in the evaluation are the level of competition for the public contracts and a general wish to simplify the rules while at the same time create better opportunities for contracting authorities to include strategic elements.

The two-day Conference will bring together both practitioners, researchers and policy makers working with EU public procurement to discuss different topics that can be relevant for the ongoing evaluation of the EU procurement rules. 

Conference topics include:

  • Who can participate in procurement procedures in the EU  
  • CPBs and Framework Agreements
  • Competition for public contracts
  • Strategic procurement
  • Procurement procedures – challenges and effects
  • Defence and Security
  • Review systems and sanctions



The programme will be uploaded here soon.


Registration and practical information:  


The registration opens in the beginning of January 2025.


For any other inquiries, please contact Michelle Kjærulff or Carina Risvig Hamer 


The Conference is part of CPB-project, founded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grant, case number: 0167-00031A).