Doctoral Colloquium on Institutional Preconditions for Effective and Inclusive Governance in the Arab World

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Ebrahim Afsah - Organizer

We organised the event in collaboration with our local partner, the Université de Carthage, as part of my wider research project on "A New Era of Arab Parliamentarism."

The colloquium featured keynote interventions by an international faculty, who provided doctoral researchers with detailed feedback on their presentations and related projects.

Doctoral students from across North Africa submitted papers and presented on the following issues:
- Constitutional and legal framework
- Political accountability of the government
- Parliamentarism and other means of democratic representation
- Parliament’s legislative power and its functioning
- Civil society and political parties
- Elections and electoral systems
- Rule of law and role of the judiciary
- Protection of civil and political rights
- Overcoming social, ethnic and religious divides
- Taxation and other forms of revenue collection
- Provision of public services and welfare
- Economic reforms and liberalisation
- Inclusion of women and other minorities
- Fight against corruption and nepotism
24 Apr 201726 Apr 2017


CourseDoctoral Colloquium on Institutional Preconditions for Effective and Inclusive Governance in the Arab World
LocationFaculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales de Tunis

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ID: 181674949