7 March 2022

CEPRI Researcher selected for Berkman Klein Center’s Research Sprint

Berdien van der Donk, PhD student in CEPRI, has been selected to join the nine-week Research Sprint ‘Takedowns and Transparency Research Sprint: Global Norms, Regulation and the Nature of Online Information’ organized by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. The close cooperation with the staff behind the Lumen Database, Berkman Klein Center’s longest running research project, allows for an unique insight into the global notice and takedown environment. The 15 global participants strive to generate draft guidance on both the procedural and substantive elements of transparency best practices in online content takedown contexts.

 The Research Sprint’s topic is closely related to Berdien’s research in CEPRI. Her PhD project focuses on the borderline between illegal, unwanted and legal content and the normative influence social media platforms exert over the information through their terms and conditions.