Janne Rothmar Herrmann

Janne Rothmar Herrmann

Professor MSO

2008: PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
2002: Candidata juris (LL.M.), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
2000: LL.B., Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Visiting scholarship etc
2019: Visiting researcher, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
2017: Visiting researcher, Queen Mary University of London
2009: English Legal Methods, University of Cambridge
2006: Visiting researcher, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg 

2009- 2010: Editor of Retfærd - Nordic Journal on Law and Justice

External appointments
2023-2025 Appointed as a researcher to the impartial investigation of the 'Coil campaign' set down by the Greenlandic and Danish governments
2023-2024 Appointed by the Danish Minister of Health to a working group on end of life dignity
2021-2025 Member of the Committee on Scientific Misconduct, appointed by the Minister for Science
2017-2021 Alternate member of the Committee on Scientific Misconduct, appointed by the Minister for Science
2017-2018 Chair of the Jurisprudential Expert Group, the Bibliometric Research Indicator
2013-2018 Appointed external examiner by the Ministry of Science for the Danish medical Schools and Public Health Schools in theory of science, ethics, medical law
2010-2015 Danish member of the Nordic Committee on Bioethics by appointment by the Nordic Council of Ministers

Numerous memberships of assessment committees and tasks of scientific assessments for research funders.

Research funding
2023-2025: Principal Investigator "Conceptualizing a Human Right to Menstrual Health" with Céline Brassart Olsen, funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark
2019-2023: Partner Technologies of Death and Dying at the Beginning of Life (grant awarded by Independent Research Fund Denmark)
2018-2021: Principal investigator Reconceptualising Reproductive Rights (grant awarded by Independent Research Fund Denmark)
2017:    Partner in Ice Age. Entangled Lives, Times and Ethics in Fertility Preservation (grant awarded by the Danish Research Council)
2017-2020: JURFAST - Use of Health Data in Research (grant awarded by Lundbeckfonden)
2013-2017: co-PI, Global Genes, Local Concerns, University of Copenhagen Interdisciplinary Excellence Programme

Knowledge of languages

  • English
  • French
  • German

ID: 11761