The evolution of health protection in EU law: from reason for derogation to cross-cutting objective

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About the seminar

This seminar constitutes the presentation of Silvia’s PhD current research project. The research builds upon the premise that healthcare policies remain a national competence, but they can be influenced by interventions taken in various fields of EU law. These EU actions are often based upon objectives and interests that are different from health protection. In this regard, health protection is interpreted as safeguarding the mechanisms adopted by the Member States that ensure universality, solidarity and sustainability of national healthcare systems. Against this background, the debate concerning the interaction between economic objectives and social issues in the process of EU integration develops.

In light of these considerations, Silvia’s thesis analyses the evolution of various EU interventions having a potential influence on Member States’ choices concerning financing and organization of healthcare systems. In particular, she focuses on interventions related to the free provision of services, competition law and state aid rules, economic governance, as well as the role played by transversal clauses introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon. The research explores how the balance between health protection and other objectives of EU law has evolved in the interventions considered. As the title suggests, the thesis aims at assessing whether and how health protection has developed from being a mere exception to the application of EU law to becoming a cross-cutting objective of the Union.


13:00-13:05 Ulla Neergaard introduction
13:05-13:25 Živa Šuta: Free movement of product-service systems in the EU internal market: the impact of technological developments upon cross-border trade in the EU
13:35-13:40 Q&A
13:45-14:05 Silvia Giudici: The evolution of health protection in EU law: from reason for derogation to cross-cutting objective
14:05-14:20 Q&A


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About the speaker

Silvia GiudiciSilvia Giudici is a PhD candidate in EU Law at the University of Turin (Italy). She has conducted research on the following topics: health protection in EU law, issues concerning the Area of Freedom Security and Justice and respect for the rule of law. She holds a Master degree in European Legal Studies from the University of Turin and a MA degree in European Union Studies from the University of Leiden (The Netherlands).