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19. sept. 2024, kl. 9.00-10.00

Climate Breakfast Seminar Series: Bali -> Copenhagen -> Paris: A Genealogy of the Paris Agreement

In this talk, Professor Vito De Lucia will offer a genealogy of the Paris Agreement by looking back at the process that started in Bali in 2007 with the adoption of the Bali Roadmap and which led, by way of a set of transformational events, to an entirely new architecture of the climate regime first adumbrated in Copenhagen and then adopted in the form of the Paris Agreement.
21. okt. 2024, kl. 8.30-18.00

Konference: Poul Andersen, forvaltningsretten og retsvidenskaben

Den 21. oktober 1924 forsvarede Poul Andersen sin doktordisputats »Om ugyldige Forvaltningsakter« ved Københavns Universitet.  Til konferencen den 21. oktober 2024 vil du kunne opleve en perlerække af foredrag og paneldebatter med bidrag fra en række prominente universitetsjurister og praktikere om spændende emner, der på den ene eller anden måde relaterer sig til Poul Andersen, forvaltningsretten og hans øvrige forfatterskab.
23. okt. - 24. okt. 2024

Conference: “Once More Unto the Breach”: Denmark on the Security Council in an Age of Instability

In preparation for Denmark’s new role as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2025-2026, the University of Copenhagen’s Centre for Military Studies (CMS) and Centre of Excellence for International Courts (iCourts) invite scholars, practitioners, decision-makers, and members of civil society to a two-day conference to discuss critical issues in international law and security.