Nordiske perspektiver på den folkeretlige regulering af cyberspace


Konference om nordiske perspektiver på den folkeretlige regulering af cyberspace.

Mindre nationer som de nordiske lande har en åbenbar interesse i at håndtere cybertruslen inden for rammerne af den internationale retsorden – både under væbnet konflikt og i fredstid. Mens de fleste stater er enige om, at den fysiske verdens folkeretlige regler også gælder i cyberspace, hersker der fortsat tvivl om den konkrete fortolkning og anvendelse af en række centrale regler i relation til cyberspace. Krigen i Ukraine viser, at uklar regulering af cyberdomænet skaber grobund for misbrug fra fjendtligtsindede stater. Samtidig gør de mangelfulde folkeretlige rammer det vanskeligt for stater, der er hinanden venligt stemt, at lægge en fælles sikkerhedspolitisk strategi. Der er med andre ord gode grunde til, at de nordiske lande påtager sig en aktiv rolle i den igangværende retlige udvikling. Men hvilke interesser bør konkret fremmes – og hvordan?

Under overskriften ”Nordiske perspektiver på den folkeretlige regulering af cyberspace” vil konferencen samle politikere, embedsmænd, forskere, erhvervsliv og civilsamfund fra de nordiske lande for at stille skarpt på følgende spørgsmål:

  • Hvilke sikkerhedspolitiske udfordringer i cyberdomænet er de væsentligste set fra et nordisk perspektiv?
  • Hvad er de nordiske landes kerneinteresser i relation til den overordnede udvikling af folkeretten i cyberspace, og hvordan fremmes disse interesser bedst muligt?
  • Hvilke specifikke folkeretlige tvivlsspørgsmål er de mest centrale, og hvordan bør de nordiske lande stille sig i den sammenhæng?




Tilmeld dig på dette link senest den 22. september kl. 23:59.


Small states like the Nordic countries have an obvious interest in dealing with cyber threats within the framework of a rules-based international order – both during armed conflict and in peacetime. While most states now agree that international legal rules of the physical world are, at least as a starting point, equally applicable in the context of cyberspace, significant questions concerning the cyber-specific interpretation and application of key rules remain open. The war in Ukraine has only made it more apparent that unclear international regulation of cyberspace creates opportunities for abuse by hostile states, whereas it complicates endeavours among friendly states to identify and implement a common security strategy. There is, in other words, ample reason for the Nordics and likeminded states to assume an active role in the ongoing development of international law in cyberspace. But which challenges are presently the most important, and how should they be addressed?

Under the headline Nordic perspectives on the international legal regulation of cyberspace, the University of Copenhagen and the Royal Danish Defence College will gather politicians, civil servants, scholars and civil society for a two-day conference in Copenhagen. DAY 1 (in Danish/Scandinavian) will primarily address the conference theme from the perspective of security policy and includes a keynote address by Denmark’s Defence Minister, Morten Bødskov, and two panels comprising civil servants, politicians and expert practitioners. DAY 2 (in English) will be devoted to academic contributions focusing specifically on the regulation of cyberspace through international law.

We invite to paper proposals addressing current international legal challenges in the cyber domain in armed conflict as well as in peacetime. Papers concerning issues that are of particular interest to the Nordic states will be given priority. However, we welcome contributions on a broad array of topical issues, including for example:

  • State responsibility
  • Attribution
  • Countermeasures
  • Due diligence
  • Burdens of proof
  • Conflict resolution
  • Legal thresholds, such as the principle of sovereignty
  • Specific IHL regulation, such as questions on combatant status and the interpretation of rules on targeting, attacks and protected persons and objects.

We will aim to include both senior scholars and PhD students in the panels. Speakers are expected to cover their own travel expenses. The conference organizers will provide accommodation.

Submit your paper proposal by 1 August 2022:

Please submit an abstract of no more that 400 words and a short bio to and