Pernille Hølmkjær

Pernille Hølmkjær


I'm a medical doctor and a phd. 
My phd-project was conducted at the Center for General Practice with a focus on nursing home residents with dementia and deprescribing of psychotropic medication.  

My primary interest lies with the deprescribing research and on trying to identify and prioritize those with the greatest need in general practice. Beside this, I have an interest in intervention research.

My research constitutes both quantitative and qualitative methods. I've primary done research with systematic reviews (both quantitative and qualitative) and intervention research. The research on interventions includes both developing complex interventions and conducting cluster randomized trials. 

Earlier on, I have also worked with diagnostic accuracy studies concerning urinary tract infections.

I'm currently working as a Postdoc at the Center for General Practice with project on complexity and as a phd-supervisor.
Furthermore I'm employed at the Danish Health Authority to work on the National Clinical Guidelines concerning prevention and treatment of behavior and psychological symptoms of dementia


I am teaching medical students at their first semester in the course "early patient contact" and medical doctors during their intership towards a speciality in Family Medicine at the course "Research Training" on critical appraisal of the research literature


Possible conflicts of interest

No conflict of interest 

ID: 228838127