2022.10.18 Interview with President of the European Court of Human Rights Robert Spano by Professor Mikael Rask Madsen New interview with outgoing President of the ECtHR, Robert Spano, by the Director of iCourts, Mikael Rask Madsen, recorded live-to-tape on Tuesday 11. October 2022.
EU Horizon Europe 2022.09.13 CeBIL receives EU grant for study of AI-assisted cancer sugery CLASSICA – Validating AI in Classifying Cancer in Real-time Surgery, is a collaborative, international and interdisciplinary project consortium, which has recently received a grant of €6 million under the EU Horizon…
2022.07.05 Veronika Fikfak appointed as ad hoc judge of The European Court of Human Rights Veronika Fikfak, Associate Professor of Human Rights at iCourts, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, has been appointed as an ad hoc judge for the judicial seat of Slovenia at the European Court of Human Rights.
2022.06.30 New recruitments in sustainability As part of the Faculty of Law's strategy to prioritise research on law and sustainability, as of 1 July 2022, five researchers have been recruited to provide research-based insight into the legal challenges associated…
BASIC RESEARCH IN LAW 2022.06.07 Free movement? New Centre of Excellence examines global mobility rights A new national Centre of Excellence in law will examine the complex legal structures that govern how we, as humans, move or are prevented from moving across national borders and parts of the world. The new centre will…
2022.05.18 Speech by Laurence Helfer and Karen Alter in Bogata Helfer and coauthor Karen Alter spoke on “Globalization in Crisis: New Challenges for Regional Courts” at a conference hosted by the Department of Economic Law of the Universidad Externado de Colombia.
2022.05.17 Professor Helle Porsdam co-authors UNESCO brief Professor Helle Porsdam co-authors UNESCO Brief on "The Right to Science and COVID-19".
2022.05.12 New book about interdisciplinary legal studies in International Courts To celebrate professor and centre director at iCourts - Centre of Excellence for International Courts (link), Mikael Rask Madsen on the occasion of ten years as research leader of iCourts and his upcoming 50 years…
2022.05.12 Christopher Kuner appointed Affiliate Professor at CIIR Dr. Christopher Kuner is professor of law and among many other accomplishments a co-director of the Brussels Privacy Hub at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
2022.05.06 A Comparative Study on the Protection of Geographical Indications in China and Europe The protection system of geographical indications (GIs) originated in Europe and has been established as a reference value internationally. China is preparing to draft the "Special Law on the Protection of Geographical…
2022.05.06 Book chapter on law and economics of IP and Competition law in the context of COVID-19 pandemic by Behrang Kianzad Behrang Kianzad has written a book chapter on law and economics of IP and Competition law in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter is now in print as part of "Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis", part…
2022.05.04 Call for papers: Services of General (Economic) Interest: State of Play and Current Challenges We invite interested parties, practitioners, or members of the academic community to submit proposals for papers for this International Conference. Contributions accepted for this conference are to be published in the…
2022.04.01 Call for Papers - IV TRAMEREN International Conference The Call for Papers for the IV TRAMEREN’s International Conference on Enhancing Climate Action beyond the State is out!
2022.03.22 CECS Seminar Series Spring 2022 Greenland in the Danish Kingdom – Political and Legal Challenges and Paradoxes
Ukraine 2022.03.11 Is Putin a lawful military target? What is the legal view on the Ukrainian conflict?
RESEARCH 2022.02.04 Could NFTs offer new ways to control and share personal health information? Could so-called NFTs, which made a splash in the art world as a platform to buy and sell digital art backed by a digital contract, be the tool to help patients gain more control over their personal health information? A…
2022.01.25 CeBIL Director Timo Minssen appointed to Scientific Committee of the Oslo Medicines Initiative (OMI) Professor Timo Minssen has been appointed to the Scientific Programme Committee of the Oslo Medicines Initiative (OMI). The Oslo Medicines Initiative (OMI) has been launched by the World Health Organization (WHO)-Euro…