Jonas Toubøl

Jonas Toubøl

Associate Professor

Office hours: Wednesday 13-14 in weeks 36-39 and 44-45; 47-50. Week 43 Wednesday 14-15.


Areas of research: Political sociology, social movements, civil society, volunteering, social media, class, unionization, mixed methods


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Current research: Solidarity and volunteering in the coronacrisis

This project investigates the massive mobilization of volunteering and informal help in civil society aiming to alleviate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for vulnerable groups in Danish society. The aim is to produce insight into the supply and demand of help and analyze what mechanisms influence the exchange, e.g. social capital distribution or digitization of volunteering projects from the perspective of both helpers/volunteers and recipients of help. We combine four data sources: 1) a short interval three wave panel survey with a population representative sample of 8,000 adults carried out by Statistics Denmark. 2) a short interval three wave panel survey of all of the more than 250 corona help groups that has been organized on Facebook during the crisis so far. 3) Extensive ethnographies of Facebook group cultures and interviews of groups and volunteers/helpers and  users/helped. 4) Big social media data from the Facebook groups analyzed by digital methods.

For more information and recent results, visit


Other research

Solidarity activism and social media faciliated social movements.

Based on a case-study of the Danish refugee solidarity movement, this project develops new concepts and methods for analyzing how political activity in social media groups influences political mobilization. Mixing data from ‘big’ social media sources, survey, and life-history interviews, the project analyzes how variation in grassroots groups’ interactional patterns influences the political activism embarked upon by the group as well as the individual members who engage in solidarity with refugees.


Social class structure and unionization

With colleagues, I study unionization within a collective action framework. Methodological we draw on Danish register data covering the entire population to model how workplace union density influences the individual worker’s decision about joining the union. In a related project, we have developed the Mobility Network Clustering Algorithm (MONECA) designed to map the social class structure in an inductive manner.



I teach the mandatory courses Basic Methodology of Social Sciences I and II and Methodology and Research Design at the bachelor in Sociology. The Basic Methodology courses at the first semester introduces quantitative and qualitative methods. During the courses the students will develop and complete their own survey and inteview projecst taking them through all steps of an empirical research process. The Researh Design course at the sixth semester trains the students in developing complex research designs which they apply in their BA thesis projects.

At the Master's programme I teach the mandatory Mixed Methods course. It introdudes students to mixed methods methodology and design techniques. The students must apply these skills in a mixed methods pilot study designed by themselves and are thus confronted with the dillemmas, challenges, possibilities and advantages of mixed methods in all phases of the research project.

Selected publications

  1. Published

    The Power of Morality in Movements: Civic Engagement in Climate Justice, Human Rights, and Democracy

    Sevelsted, A. (ed.) & Toubøl, Jonas (ed.), 2023, Cham: Springer. 334 p. (Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies).

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthologyResearchpeer-review

  2. Published
  3. Published

    Imposed volunteering: Gender and caring responsibilities during the COVID-19 lockdown

    Andersen, D., Toubøl, Jonas, Kirkegaard, S. & Carlsen, Hjalmar Alexander Bang, 2022, In: The Sociological Review. 70, 1, p. 39-56

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

ID: 35309643