PHD and PostDoc Projects
Overview of all ongoing PhD and Postdoc projects in CLIMA
PhD projects:
Magdalena’s PhD project forms a part of the research project ‘CPB-Project: Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements’, which is carried out and supervised by Professor Carina Risvig Hamer and financed by DFF Inge Lehmann.
Simultaneous access to parallel framework agreements is prevalent in public procurement practices. However, EU public procurement law has not specifically addressed this aspect. In the absence of case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union, this project’s main objective is to define and evaluate the legality of parallel framework agreements within the framework of EU public procurement law. The anticipated research outcome is a comprehensive monograph containing both dogmatic and empirical analyses of parallel framework agreements.
The aim of the thesis is to analyze what obligations the regulatory framework in the Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EU impose on contracting authorities in the spans of centralized framework agreements, de lege lata. It aims to analyze the regulatory frameworks applicable in the spans of centralized framework agreements: the stages of the procedure to conclude the framework agreement and the subsequent call-off contracts award. The spans of a framework agreement refer to the two stages of a contract award process intertwined in one award procedure. The first span represents the public procurement procedure for the conclusion of the framework agreement between a central purchasing body or a contracting authority and one or more economic operators the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing future contracts, also known as call-off contracts, to be awarded during the period of validity of the framework agreement.[1] The second span concerns, the subsequent call-offs contract award procedure operated by contracting authorities, qualified as the users of the framework agreement, which award the actual and binding contracts to one or more of the economic operators qualified as parties to the framework agreement.[2] It analyze the scope of the obligations arising from the fundamental public procurement principles[3], general rules and special rules applicable on centralized framework agreements.
PhD Fellow Atakiliti H Gebremichael
Stella’s PhD project forms part of the research project 'International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)', which is carried out and supervised by Associate Professor Beatriz Martinez Romera and financed by the Carlsberg Foundation. The project’s main research objective is to understand the role of the different international actors involved in the regulation of shipping induced climate change in the Arctic. The intended research outcome of the project is to contribute to the theory of actors involved in international law-making and elucidate on the barriers and opportunities to advance regulation addressing climate change in the Arctic.
Johanna's PhD project, supervised by Associate Professor Beatriz Martinez Romera, aims at evaluating law in an resilience-building context. The effects of climate change are already very visible in the Arctic, and are likely to increase in the future. As a consequence, Arctic socio-ecological systems experience changes that can influence ways in which humans and the environment interact and continue to exist in the future. The project aims to understand whether and in what way law can be used as a tool to contribute to resilience in the Arctic. By taking a qualitative empirical approach next to the legal doctrinal analysis, the project sets out to provide a law-in-context assessment of the international legal framework under study, in order to investigate not only its theoretical, but also its practical effectiveness.
Federica's PhD project, supervised by Associate Prof. Beatriz Martinez Romera (primary supervisor) and Associate Prof. Amnon Lev, explores the interaction betweeninternational climate change law and ocean governance, focusing on the regulation (conservation, management and enhancement) of blue carbon ecosystems.
Sidsel’s PhD project explores the role of European consensus in the protection and development of the rights and freedoms of minority groups within the European Court of Human Rights. The project is supervised by Jens Elo Rytter (primary supervisor) and Pernille Boye Koch, and is co-financed with the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Postdoc Projects:
His research focuses on the role of the shipping industry’s various actors in the effort of decarbonizing maritime transport. He is interested in both the theoretical framework for climate action by the shipping industry and the pragmatic set of measures that can lead to efficient decarbonization.
Name | Title | |
Catonini, Federica | PhD Fellow | |
Juul, Sidsel Engmann | PhD Fellow | |
Poulsen, Pernille Holten | PhD Student | |
Weber, Viktor | Postdoc |