Military and Police Joint Operations in Denmark 1971-2018
This research project investigates the historical context and legal aspects of the joint operations between the police and the military in the period 1971-2018 in Denmark.
The project is based on unique access to classified sources and interviews with central actors. It is carried out in a collaboration between the Center for International Law and Governance (CILG) and the Department of Military History, Cultural Understanding and War Theory (IMK) at the Royal Defense Academy (FAK).
The events leading to the establishment of the notion of “special assistance” in 1971.
The historical development on the operational level, i.e. to what types of action was “special assistance” allocated, how did military and civilian capacities co-exercise, tendencies etc.
The legal complex surrounding “special assistance” in the period.
The development leading to Act No. 708 (2018)
The Danish development in a Nordic and international perspective.
Military and Police Joint Operations in Denmark 1971-2018 has received a two year funding from Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Project: Special Assistance: Military and Police Joint Operations in Denmark 1971-2018
Period: 2019-2022
PI Professor
Jens Elo Rytter
South Campus, Building: 6A.4.14
DK 2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 31 01
External researcher:
Rasmus Dahlberg, Assistant Professor at The Royal Defense Academy