CLIMA Lunch Seminar with Tayo Gbemi

Comparative Wind Licensing: Environment, Community, and Regulation


The escalating global climate and biodiversity crises continue to drive increased state recourse to renewable energy. Similar to fossil fuel, this transition creates implications for communities, biodiversity and the environment. Using wind energy as an exemplar, this seminar explores the pivotal role of community energy initiatives in driving the transition at the local level and addressing the energy quadrilemma. It will also examine what constitutes a "healthy" community energy regime, and the role such can play in empowering communities to mitigate interconnected challenges from local to global scales. This will be achieved through a comparative examination of the Nigerian, UK and Danish wind energy regimes.

About the speaker

Tayo Gbemi is a doctoral researcher at the School of Law, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Her current research examines regimes for environmental and participatory governance in the licensing of wind energy projects within African-European contexts. Her research interests include renewable energy, environmental liability, community energy and international economic law. 

Register for the seminar. Zoom link is provided upon registration.