CLIMA Lunch Seminar with doctoral student Jennifer Lundin Rydh
The general environmental provision stipulates that a contracting authority/entity should consider environmental aspects while procuring if the nature of the procurement justifies it. This provision is found in the Swedish acts on public procurement, procurement in the utilities sectors and procurement of concessions. In each of these acts, the provision exists in two variants: one that regulates procurement covered by the directives and one that regulates procurement covered by the national rules. The general environmental provision has been part of Swedish procurement legislation since 2010 and does not constitute a direct implementation of any specific article in the procurement directives. In the legislative proposal that preceded the implementation of the general environmental provision, it is clarified that it constitutes a goalsetting rule, and in the procurement acts the provision is categorized as a principle for procurement. The general environmental provision serves as the starting point of Jennifer’s project, and she delves into its function as both a goalsetting rule and a principle.
About the speakerJennifer Lundin Rydh is a doctoral student in business law at Linköping University since January 2023. The focus of her dissertation project is to investigate the function and scope of a few selected Swedish provisions regulating green/environmentally friendly public procurement. Given that Swedish procurement law is strongly influenced by EU law, this also plays a significant role in her project.
Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, 4th floor, room 6B-4-04, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and online on Zoom (link will be provided after registration).
Time: 12:00-13:00.
Registration: For participation in the event please use this registration form no later than 24th of April 2025 at 12:00 PM.