Climate Breakfast Seminar Series: Bali -> Copenhagen -> Paris: A Genealogy of the Paris Agreement

In this talk, Professor Vito De Lucia will offer a genealogy of the Paris Agreement by looking back at the process that started in Bali in 2007 with the adoption of the Bali Roadmap and which led, by way of a set of transformational events, to an entirely new architecture of the climate regime first adumbrated in Copenhagen and then adopted in the form of the Paris Agreement. Based in part on an “autoethnographic” account, the talk will discuss this transformation from various perspectives, such as the climate justice movement, the notion of “restricted” multilateralism, and USA’s particular juridical necessities.
Vito De Lucia is Professor of Law and Director of the Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS) of UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Vito is a renowned expert of international environmental law and the law of the sea. His research interests are located at the intersection of critical theory, law and ecology, with particular focus on international environmental law and ecosystem governance. Vito is Principal Investigator for a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council called "Future Arctic Law and Governance (FALG)", of which the CLIMA is also part, and one of the Principal Investigators in the NCLOS AURORA Centre, where he leads the work package on Ocean Commons.
The Climate Breakfast Seminar Series was launched in June 2019 as a platform to provide expert insights on crucial contemporary climate change issues.
Time: 19 September 2024 from 09:00 to 10:00
Venue: Room 7A.0.16 (Pejsestuen) and online via zoom (link will be provided upon registration)
For registration, please click here.