CLIMA Lunch Seminar with Eirik Finserås

Transboundary Wake Effects Between Wind Farms in the North Sea – Is More Cooperation Needed?
About the seminar
As made evident from recent research, offshore wind farms are liable to cause transboundary wake effects. These effects will likely deprive downstream wind farms of the same relative resource which may give rise to certain legal problems. Under the purview of public international law, the presentation will investigate whether the sovereign rights to exploit wind resources of coastal States may be limited by principles of `good neighborliness` in circumstances where offshore wind farms are likely to produce wake effects in a transboundary setting.
About the speaker Eirik Finserås is a PhD Candidate at the University of Bergen, Faculty of Law, where he is researching licensing frameworks for offshore wind in the North Sea. More specifically, he is comparatively assessing the functions of licensing procedures in Norway, Denmark and England with the view of uncovering similarities and differences in the regulation and to critically assess these. Besides his PhD, which is due in summer 2024, his other activities have comprised stays in Cambridge and Florence as a visiting scholar, teaching activities in environmental law and otherwise, and publications which have merited interest from governments and international media. Eirik is now visiting CLIMA where he will teach, hold a seminar, and research for his thesis.
Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Meeting room 8, 4th floor, room 6B.4.04, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S and online on Zoom (link will be provided after registration).
Time: 12:00-13:00
Registration: For participation in the event please use this registration form no later than 28 January 2024 12:00.